Teacher Notes
Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Verb Patterns #2.
Students work with a partner and open the corresponding tab.
In Part One of this activity, Student Two describes the situation described on their page and asks Student One a question. Student One must think of a way to answer the question using the verb listed on his/her page. Student Two then checks that Student One's answer is correct. In Part Two, the roles are reversed.
Part One: Answers
Listen to your partner. Use the pictures to help you understand the situations. Answer your partner's question with the verbs under each photo:

Part Two: Questions
Read the situations to your partner. Then, check his or her answer. Help your partner with the grammar if he or she is unsure.

6. You are watching the game at your house. Your friend wants to watch, but his TV is broken. What will you do?
- I will invite him to watch the game at my house.

7. Your friend hit your desk and knocked your coffee on the floor. What will you do?
- I will make him clean it up.

8. You forgot your laptop at home and you need it for the test. Your brother is at home now. What do you need?
- I need him to bring the laptop.

9. Your younger sister wants to go skydiving, but your mother thinks it’s too dangerous. What will you mother do?
- She will not allow her to go skydiving.

10. Your friend is always late. You are going to meet her at seven o’clock. What do you expect?
- I expect her to be late.
Part One: Questions
Read the situations to your partner. Then, check his or her answer. Help your partner with the grammar if he or she is unsure.

1. I know how to ride a bike, but my younger brother doesn’t. What will I do?
- You will teach him to ride a bike.

2. Your father makes very delicious spaghetti. You really want to eat it today. What would you like?
- I would like him to make the spaghetti.

3. Your parents are worried about you taking a trip to another country, but they know you really want to go. What will they do?
- They will let me go.

4. You saw some really nice shoes at the mall. Your grandfather asked you what you want for your birthday. What do you want?
- I want him to buy the shoes.

5. First, the teacher gave us a lot of homework, but then she decided that it was too hard for us. What will the teacher do?
- She won't make us do the homework.
Part Two: Answers
Listen to your partner. Use the pictures to help you understand the situations. Answer your partner's question with the verbs under each photo: