Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Students work in pairs and take turns asking questions presented in the pages.
- What do you know about stem cells?
- Are there different types of stem cells?
- What are potential uses of stem cells?
- Who should make decisions about freedoms and limitations in stem cell research?
- Would you donate your stem cells to help a person you do not know? Why or why not.
- What obstacles are there in stem cell research?
- Where can you find reliable information about stem cell research?
- Do you think animal stem cells would function in human beings? Why or why not?
- What does bioethics mean?
- Should animals be used to test stem cell research?
- What kind of medical issues might be resolved with stem cells and stem cell research?
- In what ways are stem cells currently used today?
- What are the implications of healing every known disease?
- At what age should children be free to make their own medical decisions?
- Should governments be allowed to regluate scientific study? Why or why not?
- Would you participate in a clinical trial involving stem cells? Why or why not? What if your doctor gave you three months to live?