Throughout this unit, you’ve read a great deal of information about the ethics of cloning and stem cell research. You will prepare a 5-10 minute oral presentation, on one of the following:
- The ethics of cloning
- The ethics of stem cell research
In your presentation, you will answer if you think Cloning / Stem cell research is ethical or not.
Are there some situations where Cloning / Stem cell research is okay but other situations where it is not? Try to define exactly what your position is and why you hold that position.
You will be required to synthesize information from at least three sources from this unit and two outside sources. The last slide of your presentation should be a list of these references.
You can use Google Slides to make the slideshows for your presentation.

Feeling nervous about your presentation? Many students feel nervous before speaking in public. Below are some tips for helping with nervousness.
Tips for dealing with nerves
Don't expect perfection
We are all human, and we make some mistakes. Understand this and focus on what you want to say next, rather you what mistakes you have made.
Use Visual Aids
Visual aids will take the audience's eyes off of you and shift them to your visuals. Also, by using visual aids you will walk around the room more often by showing something in the visual. (Keep in mind, using an image that doesn't relate to your speech is never a good idea)
Memorizing your speech will not help you feel less nervous, but preparation will. Focus on your introduction so that you can get a good start to the presentation. Most feelings of nervousness will disapear in the first few minutes of a presentation. Be prepared.
Pretend you aren't nervous
Never express to your audience that you are nervous, rather act and try to look confident. If you practice and prepare like you are confident, you are more likely to sound confident to your audience.
Involve your audience
Asking questions early in the speech will help involve your audience, which will help lessen your nervousness.
Embrace your nervousness
Being nervous for a presentation is actually sometimes a good thing. Nervousness gives you energy and can make you think faster.