You might have noticed that in the examples of note taking you have seen, there have been many abbreviated, or shortened, words and well as symbols and punctuation used to make the note taking process faster. This is crucial when taking notes in a real academic environment when professors will rarely stop and wait for students to catch up. Look at some examples below.

Abbreviations Symbols
  • ex. = for example
  • lbs = pounds
  • ft = feet
  • kg = kilograms
  • Dr. = doctor
  • mill = million
  • cm = centimeters
  • L = litres
  • yr or yrs = years
  • S. America = South America
  • Cent. = Central
  • choc. = chocolate
  • perm. = permanent
  • cyl. = cylinder
  • % = percent or percentage
  • / = and
  • / = per
  • - = linking of ideas
  • = = equals or similar
  • # = number
  • CO2 = carbon dioxide
  • w/ = with
  • > = more than
  • & = and

