3-0Objectives & Sequence
3-1Introduction - STEM Everywhere
3-2Introduction - Cloning, 20 Years After Dolly
3-1An Affordable 3D-Printed Arm
3-2DIY Neuroscience
3-1Math - Algebra: Variables
3-2Math - Algebra: Linear Equations and Functions
3-3Math - Math Review: Real World Practice
3-1Academic Writing - Summarizing & Paraphrasing
3-2Academic Writing Skills - Body Transitions
3-3Academic Writing Skills - Paragraph Unity
3-4Essay - Contrasting AI and Human Cognition
3-1Nerve Cells
3-3Note taking - Organization
3-4Academic Listening Skills - Note Taking Abbreviations
3-5Academic Listening Skills - Note Taking Abbreviations
3-3Cockroaches, Cyborgs and Mind Control
3-4Neurons and Willpower
3-1Careers in Neuroscience
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