You will now practice creating cause-effect sentences by joining two ideas you are presented with using the verbs, nouns, and connectors you learned earlier.
There are many more, so perhaps you can use others that you know for the Exercise.
Cause-effect Verbs
- accounts for
- determines
- induce
- is facilitated by
- stems from
- be derived from
- gave rise to
- influenced
- motivated them to
- to stimulate
- contributed to
- generated
- inhibited
- provoked
- was triggered by
Cause-effect Nouns
- chain reaction
- end
- means
- reason
- consequence
- impact
- outcome
- result
- decision
- incident
- precedent
- source
Cause-effect Connectors
- as a result
- in order that
- seeing that
- so that
- because
- in order to
- since
- such that
- due to
- in view of
- so
- therefore