You will be giving an Impromptu Presentation to a group. You will have limited time to prepare and will present before the class is over. You may use brief notes that you create during this class, and there must not be any complete sentences or paragraph structure in your notes. Your Presentation is only 5-6 minutes, and you may be asked to stop if you go over that time.

Your Presentation will be marked according to the 5 different categories presented below. Each is marked out of 5 marks where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent, making the total score out of 30 marks. The evaluation for this Presentation is simplified, and you will not be marked this time on Presentation Style.
- Introduction
- Presented brief overview of content
- Body
- Emphasized / paragraph transitions
- Conclusion
- Summarized key points
- Presentation Skills
- Presenter seemed well rehearsed
- Presentation was well organized
- Question and Discussion
- Encouraged/responded appropriately
You will select an ancillary or subsidiary topic to present on. These are topics that are not primarily related to the subject matter of this class, but are of secondary importance. For example, we learned about Neurology by the example of mind-controlled cockroaches; in this example, the cockroach is an ancillary or subsidiary topic. Choose a selection of 3 ancillary topics on which you'd like to present, then get approval from your instructor to begin notes on one of them for your Impromptu Presentation.