Many of us have been told that vegetables are good for us. Vegetables can give us strength. A lack of vegetables in our diets can lead to weaknesses in our bodies. But what is it that the vegetables are doing? And how are they improving our health? Let's find out!

What does a sliced carrot look like? Yes, the human eye! Scientists tell us that eating carrots helps more blood go to the eyes, so we can see better. Carrots have beta-carotene, which our bodies can turn into vitamin A. It is important to keep our eyes healthy, especially as we age.

A tomato has four chambers and it is red. The heart also has four chambers and it is also red! Scientists tell us that tomatoes are great for the heart because they have many important nutrients. Tomatoes can keep our hearts and blood vessels healthy. They can reduce the risk of developing illnesses related to the heart and other cardiovascular diseases.

Grapes look like the lungs that help us breathe! Eating lots of grapes makes our lungs healthier and helps fight off illnesses in the lungs, like cancer and asthma. The seeds have a chemical that can help people with breathing problems.

What do you think a walnut looks like? It looks like a human brain! The brain has two parts: the right and the left. Just like a walnut! Even the little lines on the walnut look like the lines on a brain. Walnuts have omega-3 fatty acids. This helps the brain work faster and helps us to remember things.

Do you know what these are? They are kidney beans! They look like human kidneys. The kidney beans help keep the blood in the body nice and clean. Kidney beans have potassium, magnesium and many other vitamins and minerals.

Don’t you think celery looks like your bones? This vegetable really helps make bones strong. Bones have a lot of sodium. Celery has lots of sodium! If you don't eat enough sodium, your body will start taking the sodium out from your bones, making them weak! So eat your celery!

A banana looks just like a smile, and eating a banana will make you happy. Bananas do this by sending a signal to your brain by saying, "Hey brain, get happy!" Maybe that's why monkeys look so happy all the time. But how does this happen? Bananas contain tryptophan, and our bodies change that into serotonin. It boosts our moods and makes us happier.

Our outer ears are made out of cartilage. We also have tiny bones that help us take in sounds. When you cut a mushroom in half, it looks like a human ear! Mushrooms help us hear better because they have vitamin D. They are also very good for bones, especially the three tiny bones in the ear that help us hear sounds!

Foods rich in vitamin D are very important, because it helps with calcium absorption. We need both to keep our bones healthy. You can try consuming spinach, kale, and fish such as sardines and salmon to help with your bone health.

The ginseng root looks like a human body! It has great nutritional benefits. Many people eat ginseng to fight illnesses in all different parts of the body. It can also help us with staying mentally alert and keeping our minds sharp.

Make sure to include all these foods in your diet for a healthy body!