What you eat determines what kind of eater you are. There are several different types of eaters, let’s learn more about them.

Carnivores have a meat-based diet. Some people are stricter and will not eat dairy products either. That’s a lot of meat to chew! Many people think that it’s not healthy for humans to have a meat-based diet for long periods of time. There are vitamins and minerals that we cannot get from meat. Some research says that this kind of diet could increase risks for cancer. However, some carnivores claim health benefits after switching to this diet. These claims include being able to do better in sports and improving their thinking abilities.

Omnivores will eat animal and plant products. There are many choices. These eaters are able to eat many different kinds of foods. This makes it easier for them to take in different nutrients and vitamins. With so much food to choose from, some eaters do not make healthy choices. These choices can lead to foods with refined sugar, which can cause weight problems and heart diseases.

Pescatarians eat fish, but not other kinds of meat. They will also eat other kinds of seafood and vegetables. This could be a healthy diet, because fish can contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Pescatarians have lower risks of Type 2 diabetes, lower risks of cancer and lower blood pressure. It’s important to avoid fish with too much mercury. A lot of our oceans are polluted, and our fish could be contaminated as well. This diet means that you may not consume enough iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin D.

Vegetarians do not eat any kind of meat. Their diets are plant-based. This kind of diet is becoming more popular. It’s also becoming easier to stick to a plant-based diet. There are plant-based meat patties that have no meat content at all. So those who are looking to get rid of meat in their diets, could still enjoy a nice burger.

This kind of diet is great for weight control. It’s also good for our Earth. Meat-eating really hurts our planet. If the meals are not carefully planned, this diet could lack protein. If you don’t want to give up on meat, maybe the flexitarian diet is for you. This type of eater mainly eats vegetables, but they will sometimes eat meat too. This diet isn’t as strict as a vegetarian's diet.

Vegans abstain from animal products. They do not consume eggs, honey, milk, and cheese. There are no meat-based products in this diet. It can be hard to keep up with this diet. There may not be many choices when going out to eat. There may be a limited choice of products at the store. It could be hard to eat out with friends. People may choose this diet to avoid animal cruelty. Similar to other plant-based diets, the vegan diet could lead to fewer health problems like cancer and heart diseases.

Not all eaters that go dairy-free are vegans. They might be allergic to dairy products. People that are allergic to dairy might have rashes or trouble breathing after consumption. Others might be lactose intolerant. That means when they eat or drink foods with lactose, they feel sick.

No matter what kind of eater you are, you can always find recipes for different healthy dishes. You can always consult a dietitian to learn about what kind of diet is the best for you.