Part One: Warm Up
Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).
- What are three positive effects of playing video games? What about negative effects?
- Overall, do you think video games have more of a positive or negative effect on young people? Why?
Part Two: Getting Ready to Speak
Open the exercise and follow the instructions.
Part Three: Your Turn / Taking it Further
With a partner, decide who will be Student #1 and who will be Student #2. Then, each open your tab. Both Student #1 and Student #2 have two statements. Use the statements to complete the activity.
- Student #1. You start by:
- Expressing your opinion about the statement (you can agree or disagree with the statement).
- Then, give reasons to support your opinion.
- Student #2. Listen to Student #1 opinions and then:
- Summarize the information to confirm your understanding.
- Show support for and agree with their ideas OR
- disagree with and challenge their ideas.
Then, switch roles. Student #2 will express opinions and Student #1 will listen and respond.
Opinion: People these days spend too much time on the Internet and too little time learning new skills.

It seems to me that (expressing an opinion) people these days spend too much time on the Internet and too little time learning new skills. Most of our time on the Internet is just mindless scrolling (giving a reason).
So, what you’re saying is that (summarizing information to confirm) we could spend the time we’re wasting on the Internet doing something to develop ourselves? I think you make a good point. (showing support for other people’s ideas). I completely agree (agreeing).

- Some unproductive time is important. It helps us to relax.
- Volunteering is a great way to make friends as an adult. Plus, you can positively impact your community at the same time.
- Everyone should develop a hobby so that they can find something that they’re really passionate about.
- Most people these days spend too much time working and do not spend enough time with family and friends. This is probably one reason for increased stress and depression in our society.
Part Four: Taking it Further
You are going to take part in a small-group discussion with your classmates about the following topic:
Since the rise and widespread adoption of social media, it has become an integral part of our society, with many spending a significant amount of their time “plugged in” to social networking sites and apps. Consequently, there has been a lot of debate about how this is affecting our lives both online and offline. What do you think? How does social media affect our personal lives? Has it had more of a positive or negative impact?
Before the discussion, work with your partner(s) to think of 3 positive and 3 negative effects of social media on people’s personal lives.
Go to the exercise and use Section #4 to write down your ideas.
Now, your teacher will put you into small groups of four or five. Discuss the topic together. Try to use language from this lesson and the previous units to share your opinions, agree and disagree, ask questions, challenge opinions, seek clarification, summarize to confirm understanding, and show support for other people’s ideas/thank others for their contributions.