- Brainstorm a list of the different genres of movies. Which are the most popular? Which are your favorites?
- Who is your favorite actor?
- Do you know the names of any famous movie directors? What does a movie director do?
- What makes a good movie? Think about the story and the characters, but also about the special effects, costumes, sets, and the music.
- What is the main difference between movies from your country and Hollywood movies? Which are more fun to watch?
Movie Reviews
For many people around the world, movies are a great way to relax and have fun. They entertain us, make us think, or simply take us away to an amazing place for a couple of hours. In this lesson, you are going to be asked to write a review of a movie you like.
- What is a movie review? What is its purpose?
- Who reads movie reviews? Do you ever read them? Why or why not?
- What kinds of things do they talk about in a movie review?