Let's Go To Earth!
I will read

- country
- city
- Earth
- never
- too
- near
- far
- idea
- shall
- visit
- been
- there
- answer
- where
- point
What can you see?

Where shall we go?
Let's visit Jupiter.
I've never been there.
It’s too far.
Let's go to Earth.
Good idea.
It's near.

Let's go!
We fly and fly.
We see the sun.
We see the moon.
We see Earth.

Where shall we visit?
We look at a map.
We point to Canada.
That is our answer.

We fly to Canada.
It's a big country.
We go to Vancouver.
It's a beautiful city.

Where shall we visit next?
We look at a map.
We point to Australia.
That is our answer.

We fly to Australia.
It's a big country.
We go to Sydney.
It's a fun city.

Where shall we visit next?
We look at a map.
We point to Japan.
That is our answer.

We fly to Japan.
It's a small country.
We go to Tokyo.
It's a cool city.

It's time to go home.
Goodbye, Earth!