How’s The Weather?
I will read

- weather
- sunny
- rainy
- cloudy
- windy
- stormy
- snowy
- hot
- cold
- today
- how’s
- tree
- outside
- warm
- cool
What can you see?

How's the weather today?
I look outside.
It's sunny.

I love sunny days.
It's hot.
I play.
I climb a tree.

How's the weather today?
I look outside.
It's rainy.

I like rainy days.
It's cool.
I splash.
I run.

How's the weather today?
I look outside.
It's cloudy.

I like cloudy days.
I look out the window.
I draw a picture.
I relax.

How's the weather today?
I look outside.
It's windy.

I don't like windy days.
It's cold.
I stay home.
I watch TV.

How's the weather today?
I look outside.
It's stormy.

I love stormy days.
It's cold.
I stay home.
I watch the storm.

How's the weather today?
I look outside.
It's snowy.

I like snowy days.
It's cold.
I play in the snow.
I made snowballs.

Look outside.
How's the weather today?