There are some predators that both humans and animals should always avoid. These are some of the world's most dangerous predators.

Dragons are not real, but this scary predator might look a bit like one. The Komodo dragon is a big reptile. The Komodo dragon can swallow its prey whole. That means it can eat a whole pig in just one bite. It also has potent poison in its teeth. If it bites you, you are in trouble.

Most jellyfish are harmless. If they sting you, it hurts. But it is not life-threatening. But that cannot be said for the box jellyfish. The box jellyfish has more than 60 tentacles. Its poison is so strong that it can be fatal to humans. It is the most poisonous animal in the sea.

Most jellyfish drift in the sea. But not this one. The box jellyfish hunts its prey at a speed of 2 metres per second.

The lion is sometimes called the king of the jungle. They are top predators wherever they live. A lion can shred any animal apart with its sharp claws and teeth. Lions are fast and dangerous. They live in big groups and often work together to hunt prey. Cooperative hunting makes lions more successful than some other predators.

The Nile crocodile is Africa's largest reptile. They can grow up to 6 metres long! The Nile crocodile is not a fussy eater. It eats fish, birds, and land animals.

The crocodile is a sneaky hunter. It sits motionless in the water waiting for its prey. It uses a technique called still-hunting. When its prey comes close, a swift lunge is all it takes.

Most people are surprised to learn that the hippo has one of the highest fatality rates of any animal in the world. The hippo is not usually a predator. It eats mostly plants. But it is still a very aggressive animal.

Hippos live in groups of 15 to 30, and they have very sharp teeth. Even though they have massive bodies, they can easily run faster than many other animals.

Leopards are agile cats. They live and hunt alone. They are very difficult to see. That is what makes them such good hunters.

Their big paws let them sneak quietly. Their spotted coats keep them hidden. They ambush their prey when they are close. When they get a kill, they use their strength to hide the carcass. They can even drag it up trees so that other animals cannot find it.

The Tasmanian devil is a marsupial. The females have pouches to carry their young. They are great predators. That is because of their powerful jaws. Their bite is four times stronger than a dog of their size! They use their teeth to chew through their prey.

Not all predators live on land. Some can be found in the skies. Owls look cute, but they are vicious birds of prey. They use their amazing senses to hunt at night. They have directional hearing. They can hear from which direction a noise is coming by turning their head.

What do you think about these animals? Are you scared yet?