here are many documentaries about predators and preys. These documentaries tell the stories of animals and their daily lives. But what would these stories be like if we could hear from the animals themselves?
Watch this video of a pebble toad and a tarantula.

Now, if the wonderful voice of David Attenborough wasn't there, and we could talk to toads and spiders, what would we hear?
For this project, you will choose one video of a predator and prey (or multiple predators and preys, if you want). The first thing you must do is complete some research on these animals. Write two short reports titled 'A Day in the Life of a Predator' and 'A Day in the Life of a Prey.' Describe what the two different animals do each day. Where do they sleep? What do they eat? What do they do during the day? How do they spend their nights?
Then, work with a partner or partners and record an audio clip to show what the animals in your video would say if they could speak! For example, the toad in this video might start by saying:
"Oh yeah...a nice beautiful day on the mountain. Sticky and humid and disgusting...just the way I like it. Man, I love to walk around these rocks. I'm king of these rocks! Now if only that grumpy tarantula would just leave me alone. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Tarantula! I know you're waiting for me somewhere!"