Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Present Perfect: How Long?.
Students work with a partner.
There are ten topics students must discuss. After a student gives his or her answer, as a follow up, students need to point the conversation towards a question that asks for the duration of something related to the student's answer.
Your favourite hobby

My favourite hobby is playing video games.
How long have you been playing / played video games?

I've been playing video games since I was a child. What about you? What's your favourite hobby?
My favourite hobby is spending time with my best friend.

What's your best friend's name?

How long have you known her?
I've known her for six years.

- Your favourite hobby
- The most expensive thing you own
- What you like to do on your days off
- The music you like to listen to most
- Your favourite piece of clothing
- Where you live and the people you live with
- Your main method (way) of transportation
- For example: car, bus, bicycle, train, etc..
- The kind of phone you have
- Your favourite sport
- Something you are learning to do in your life