Vocabulary List
Word | Part of Speech | Example | |
admire | Verb | I really admire you for all the work you do with helping the poor. | |
album | Noun | Have you heard Bruno Mars' new album? | |
award | Noun | I was given an award for my essay. | |
bass | Noun | The bass in this song sounds really good on my car stereo. | |
blues | Noun | You don't have to be in a sad mood to enjoy listening to blues. | |
break up | Phrasal Verb | All of the members of the Beatles started solo careers when the band broke up in 1970. | |
budget | Noun | You never have any money at the end of the month. You need to be more organized and start a budget. | |
certainly | Adverb | Class is certainly more enjoyable when the students like their teacher. | |
classical | Adjective | My friend listens to classical music when he studies because he thinks it will help him learn. | |
compose | Verb | Although she is an amazing singer, all of her songs were composed by other people. | |
consist of | Phrasal Verb | The bands consists of five musicians. | |
debut | Noun | The musician is going to release his debut album on Tuesday. | |
depict | Verb | The painting depicts a beautiful landscape. | |
develop [new idea / product] |
Verb | Apple is rumoured to be developing a car. | |
diverse | Adjective | We have a very diverse mix of nationalities in this class. | |
drums | Noun | You don't really have to be amazing at the drums to play most rock songs. | |
emotion | Noun | Sometimes his emotions affect his decisions. | |
exhibition | Noun | There is an interesting dinosaur exhibition going on at the museum. | |
fame | Noun | Have you ever heard that we will all experience fifteen minutes of fame in our lives? | |
gallery | Noun | There is a small gallery near my house that has about twenty paintings for sale. | |
genre | Noun | I think drama is my favourite movie genre. | |
graduate | Verb | She will graduate from university in the spring. | |
guitarist | Noun | The singer of the band is also the bass guitarist. | |
hit [song] |
Noun | I really don't care about writing good music. I just want to make hits that will make me rich and famous. | |
inspiration | Noun | The artist's inspiration for the painting came from a childhood experience. | |
inspire | Verb | The man's story inspired me to change my own life. | |
instrument [musical] |
Noun | It is important to me that my children learn to play musical instruments in their lives. | |
interview | Noun | There is an excellent interview with the president in the newspaper today. | |
involve | Verb | My job involves a lot of travel. | |
landscape | Noun | I don't like her paintings of people. I think she's better at doing landscapes. | |
last [duration] |
Verb | A hockey game usually lasts (for) about three hours. | |
left (over) [remaining] |
Adjective | Is there any pizza left? I'm still hungry! | |
local | Adjective | You can find this book at any local book store. | |
mellow | Adjective | I prefer to listen to relaxing mellow music at night. | |
member | Noun | Three of the four members of the band are male. | |
mood | Noun | Are you in a good or bad mood? | |
opponent | Noun | There are many opponents to the plan to build the shopping mall because many trees will need to be cut down. | |
outspoken | Adjective | I have an outspoken friend who never hides his true feelings. | |
painting | Noun | There are many beautiful paintings to see at the gallery. | |
participation | Noun | Your participation in the project will surely help us complete things faster. | |
passion | Noun | You really have a passion for helping people, don't you? | |
peace | Noun | The president said that she wasn't sure peace would ever be possible between the two countries. | |
photography | Noun | I'm interested in learning more about photography, but it all seems very difficult to me. | |
popularity | Noun | The popularity of the vegetable has been increasing since people found out it helps to reduce your chances of getting cancer. | |
project | Noun | I am working on a project for school with another student from class. | |
punk | Noun | I can't stand punk music. It's too loud and angry for me. | |
R & B | Noun | My girlfriend always listens to R&B. Her favourite singer is Alicia Keys. | |
record [music, video] |
Verb | I recorded a video with my phone. Do you want to see it? | |
reggae | Noun | Listening to this reggae music is making me want to go somewhere warm with beautiful beaches. | |
release [album, etc.] |
Verb | The new albums is being released next week. Are you going to buy it? | |
saxophone | Noun | Can you imagine jazz music without the saxophone? | |
sculpture | Noun | There is a strange sculpture in the park. I have no idea what it is supposed to be. | |
shot [photo] |
Noun | I took a lot of great shots today with my new camera. | |
taste [in music, etc.] |
Noun | You have really bad taste in music. | |
tension | Noun | I have a lot of tension in my neck. I need to get a massage. | |
theme | Noun | The theme of Unit 7 is art and music. | |
upbeat | Adjective | This music is too upbeat. I'm in a sad mood. I want to hear something slower. |