Students work in pairs. Each student reads a sentence and has it converted it to a question tag statement. Rising and falling intonation are also practiced. Look at the sentences on the left side of the table. Say a good sentence to your partner with a question tag at the end. If it says, "You think...," your intonation should go down because you are sure. If it says, "You want to check...," your intonation should go up because you are unsure.
If the left side of the table says:

You think it's raining outside.
You should say to your partner:
It's raining outside, isn't it? (intonation going down)

If the left side of the table says:

You want to check with your partner that he or she has a cell phone.
You should say to your partner:
You have a cell phone, don't you? (intonation going up)

Listen to your partner's sentences. They should be similar or the same as the sentences on the right side. Also, check that your partner's intonation is correct.
Your Sentences: |
1. You think it's around 11 o'clock. |
2. You think your partner is from Greece. |
3. You want to check with your partner that the school closes at 5pm. |
4. You think your partner's country has got a small population. |
5. You want to check with your partner that he or she isn't married. |
6. You think your partner has been in this country for a long time. |
7. You want to check with your partner that she can speak French. |
8. You want to check with your partner that he or she isn't a vegetarian. |
Your partner's sentences: |
1. This school has four floors, doesn't it? ↓ |
2. You're married, aren't you? ↑ |
3. You usually take showers at night, don't you? ↓ |
4. You're from Mexico, aren't you? ↑ |
5. You haven't finished university yet, have you? ↑ |
6. You haven't got any pets, have you? ↓ |
7. You never drink, do you? ↓ |
8. You like me, don't you? ↑ |
Your Sentences: |
1. You think this school has four floors. |
2. You want to check with your partner that he or she is married. |
3. You think that your partner usually takes showers at night. |
4. You want to check if he or she is from Mexico. |
5. You want to check with your partner that he or she hasn't finished university yet. |
6. You think your partner hasn't got any pets. |
7. You think that your partner never drinks. |
8. You want to check with your partner that he or she likes you. |
Your partner's sentences: |
1. It's around 11 o'clock, isn't it? ↓ |
2. You're from Greece, aren't you? ↓ |
3. The school closes at 5pm, doesn't it? ↑ |
4. Your country has got a small population, hasn't it? ↓ |
5. You aren't married, are you? ↑ |
6. You have been in this country for a long time, haven't you? ↓ |
7. You can speak French, can't you? ↑ |
8. You aren't a vegetarian, are you? ↑ |