Word | Part Of Speech | Example |
Advocate | Noun, Verb | Are you an advocate of the new plan? |
Cast | Noun | When she broke her arm, she had to wear a cast for three months. |
Catastrophe | Noun | Natural disasters can often lead to catastrophes for the people that experience them. |
Contribute | Verb | Instead of sitting there, perhaps you could contribute to the discussion? |
Council | Noun | The council decided not to go ahead with the plan. |
Delay | Noun, Verb | I think we should delay doing that until next week. |
Diaper | Noun | My daughter stopped wearing diapers when she was three years old. |
Diligent | Adjective | Teachers love diligent students. |
Dominate | Verb | The young soccer team was dominated by the older one. |
Dust | Noun, Verb | I am allergic to dust. |
Elder / Eldest | Noun / Adjective | It is a responsibility in society for young people to take care of their elders. |
Establish | Verb | The company established a new plan for the future. |
Evolution | Noun | It is amazing to see the evolution of personal computers over the last ten years. |
Extended Family | Noun | Most of my extended family lives in Europe. |
Extremely | Adverb | The situation was extremely difficult to understand. |
Favour (US - Favor) | Verb | The teacher really favours the hard-working students in the class. |
Get-together / Get together | Noun, Verb | I love getting together for family dinners. |
Head | Verb | Let’s head east and see what we find. |
Household | Noun | You can make many cool things from simple household objects. |
Housekeeper | Noun | It would be amazing to have a housekeeper clean my apartment. |
Immediate Family | Noun | My immediate family consists of myself, my parents, and my brother. |
In-law | Noun | My in-laws are coming to visit this weekend. |
Income | Noun | Although her salary from that job is not very high, her yearly income is actually quite high. |
Indicate | Verb | The label on the package indicates that this food contains nuts. |
Individual | Adjective | I have never seen a store that sells individual socks or shoes. You always have to buy them in pairs. |
Mature | Adjective | The mature student has had a lot of life experience. |
Optimistic | Adjective | I am very optimistic about our chances to have success. |
Outlook | Noun | She has a very negative outlook on life. |
Pessimistic | Adjective | Why are you always so pessimistic? I think the plan will work! |
Pirate | Noun, Verb | Have you ever seen “Pirates of the Caribbean?” |
Polish | Verb | Your shoes need to be polished! |
Pursue | Verb | I need money to pursue my dreams. |
Rebel | Noun, Verb | Every classroom has a rebel. |
Reflection | Noun | I can see my reflection in the window. |
Reject | Verb | The man rejected the idea that he was not good enough for the job. |
Related | Adjective | Although we have the same family name, we are not related. |
Rely | Verb | While traveling, I rely on my cell phone to keep me connected to what is happening back home. |
Resource | Noun | There are not enough resources to finish the job. |
Role | Noun | My role at the company always changes. |
Rough | Adjective | Growing up without seeing your parents very often must have been rough. |
Rug | Noun | I am not sure I like the colour of that rug. To me, it seems like it would get dirty quite easily. |
Ruin | Verb | Dinner was ruined because I burned the chicken. |
Sedan | Noun | A sedan is a simple, four-door car. |
Sibling | Noun | He has two siblings: a brother and a sister. |
Sigh | Noun, Verb | She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the news. |
Significant | Adjective | The decision was significant because it affected a lot of people. |
Sin | Noun, Verb | It would be a sin for you to miss the party! |
Spoiled | Adjective | Spoiled children always get what they want. |
Sponsor | Noun, Verb | The company sponsors the local sports team. |
Stable | Adjective | A stable lifestyle is needed in order to be healthy. |
Stain | Noun, Verb | Coffee leaves a stain on your teeth. |
Stuffed | Adjective | She was stuffed after eating so much during the meal. |
Sweep | Verb | I always have to sweep my kitchen floors after I cook a meal. |
Tie The Knot | Phrase | They tied the knot last summer. |
To Bear Fruit | Phrase | The decision was not a success at all. It did not bear any fruit. |
Tough | Adjective | I do not like this kind of meat. It is too tough to eat. |
Trend | Noun | Staying in touch with friends using Facebook is a trend that has not yet disappeared. |
Tumour (US - Tumor) | Noun | Doctors were able to remove the tumor before it caused any damage. |
Vacuum | Noun, Verb | If you do not vacuum the carpet regularly, the apartment will get quite dusty. |
Vase | Noun | Could you put these flowers in a vase for me? |
Wealthy | Adjective | I do not need to be rich, but I would like to be wealthy. |
Wedlock | Noun | Entering wedlock is not a decision you should take lightly. |
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