Pretend that it is the year 2050. We have made many technological advancements with regards to space travel. Imagine you are an astronaut given the task of leaving Earth in a spaceship in order to discover life on other planets out of our solar system. You pack your belongings and strap into the cockpit.

3... 2... 1... Blast off! You leave Earth along with a few other fellow astronauts.

You can see the Earth from the window of your spaceship. Home has never looked so blue and beautiful. But as you fly further and further away, the Earth fades until you can no longer see it.

On the 235th day of your time spent in space, you discover what you are looking for — an alien, green planet far away from home. Cameras from your spaceship show that the surface is covered by alien plants. Excited, you and your colleagues descend on the planet and land right in the middle of a strange, luscious forest inhabited by mysterious animals. From Earth, your commander contacts you and wants you to take pictures and send an immediate report of the forest you are in!
Click on the Exercise link to file your report. Afterwards, your commander will give you some exciting new directives. Click on the top right corner to find out what they are!