In Yann Martel's book, Life of Pi, the character finds himself on a strange island in the middle of the ocean. As he discovers more and more about the island, Pi realizes that the island contains many mysteries. He begins to suspect that the trees, the animals or maybe even the island itself is carnivorous! The movie based on this book brought the island to life with beautiful images and special effects. Take a look!

Imagine you, like Pi, find yourself on a remote, deserted island in the middle of the ocean. There are no people around and, as far as you can tell, no humans have ever walked on this land.
Your project is to create a magical, mysterious island of your own imagination. Your island can be living or dead, full of animals or completely lifeless. Your island can be green, purple, neon...all the choices are yours! Give your island a name and a description. Perhaps your island has a theme.
Check out these pictures for inspiration.

Now, complete the activities. You will write a description of this island and create a visual representation of the island. You can choose to do this in drawing, by making a 3D model, or even making a movie. Then, you will work with a group to create a drama activity around your islands!