Word | Part Of Speech | Example |
Abduct | Verb | I have been abducted by aliens six times. |
Account | Noun | The man’s account of what happened was really strange. |
Aircraft | Noun | I’m not sure what kind of airplane I saw in the sky. The aircraft was really big though. |
Analysis | Noun | The evidence of UFOs and aliens has gone through much analysis. |
Astronaut | Noun | When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronaut. |
Astronomer | Noun | An astronomer studies the stars and planets. |
Bark | Verb | Every night, my neighbours dog won’t stop barking. |
Beast | Noun | Another word for monster is beast. |
Being | Noun | I’m not sure if I saw a person or alien. The being was the same height as humans though. |
Blow up | Verb | The fire caused the gas oven to blow up. |
Capture | Verb | Some people believe the US government has captured alien spacecraft. |
Civilization | Noun | Is it possible that civilizations exist outside our world? |
Coincidence | Noun | When we were watching the stars last night, we saw a UFO. It was a coincidence that we were looking at the sky. |
Conspiracy | Noun | A large number of people love to discuss conspiracies on the Internet. |
Creature | Noun | I’m not sure if it was an animal or bigfoot. The creature was definitely big and hairy. |
Credible | Adjective | The eyewitness’ story was not very credible. You shouldn’t believe it. |
Creepy | Adjective | This house feels really strange and creepy. I’m scared. |
Depict | Verb | The painting depicts a mother and her baby. |
Exaggerate | Verb | Many stories have been exaggerated. It is difficult to know what is true and what is not. |
Fearsome | Adjective | The animal is quite fearsome. I am quite scared of it. |
Flying saucer | Noun | Many people call UFOs “flying saucers.” |
Footage | Noun | It is difficult to get good video footage of ghosts. |
Galaxy | Noun | Our galaxy is called the “Milky Way.” |
Grave | Noun | I visited my grandfather’s grave last week. |
Haunt | Verb | The house is haunted by ghosts. |
Hoax | Noun | Most UFO photos and videos are simply hoaxes. |
Inspire | Verb | I was inspired by my teacher to become an astronomer. |
Manipulate | Verb | People have manipulated the photos. What you see is not actually real. |
Myth | Noun | Many people believe in the myth of Bigfoot. It is a myth and not a fact. |
Origin | Noun | The origin of the rumor is unknown. |
Paranormal | Adjective | Many people are interested in paranormal activity. This is the same as ghosts. |
Presence | Noun | I can feel the presence of ghosts in this room. |
Psychic | Adjective | Some people have psychic powers and have amazing abilities with their minds. |
Questionable | Adjective | I’m not sure I can call the evidence credible. It is quite questionable. |
Reality | Noun | He is always living in his imagination. He never considers reality. |
Remarkable | Adjective | The amazing footage of the monster we saw on the news was really remarkable. |
Resolve | Verb | The problem hasn’t been resolved yet. |
Reveal | Verb | The government hasn’t revealed any information about the existence of aliens. |
Shadow | Noun | I’m sure I just saw a shadow move across the room! |
Sighting | Noun | There have been many UFO sightings in that city. |
Spirit | Noun | Some people believe ghosts are spirits of dead people. |
Spot | Verb | Many people spotted bright lights in the sky. |
Supernatural | Adjective | The supernatural is another way to say, “paranormal.” |
Swamp | Noun | A swamp is a wet area of soft land. |
Terrify | Verb | Spiders terrify her. |
Thoroughly | Adverb | I have thoroughly cleaned my kitchen. Absolutely nothing is dirty! |
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