We know that police officers, soldiers and firefighters have dangerous jobs. Firefighters walk into burning buildings to help us. The police deal with violent people to keep us safe. Soldiers go to dangerous countries all the time. But they are not the only dangerous jobs out there. Sometimes the most ordinary-sounding job comes with the most risk.

Skyscrapers are tall buildings. They are over 100 metres tall. But how did they come to be? Just think, ironworkers had to be that high up just to build it. Construction crews often work high up in the air. There are many health and safety rules to follow. They must be attached at all times. Now that is a dangerous workplace!

Do you have a roof on your home? Then, chances are, someone had to put the roof on. A roofer's job involves climbing, lifting, and balancing. They do this all while on a high roof. A fall from a roof might not kill you, but it could cause lots of damage. It is risky working on a roof. Especially when it is not fully built.

Every time you put out garbage, someone has to come pick it up. That is the job of a sanitation worker. It may not seem dangerous, but it is. In the first 10 days of 2018, 7 sanitation workers were killed in North America! The job involves a lot of lifting and carrying. They also work with heavy machines. Not to mention they do all this in heavy traffic. The most common injury is being hit by a car.

Workers in the logging industry often incur injuries. They work with large machinery that carries heavy logs in the air. Cuts are common due to working with chainsaws. This work often takes place in bad weather and at dangerous places. There is always the chance of running into wildlife too.

People often forget how difficult working on a farm can be. Farmers and ranchers often work extremely long hours. Many farmers and ranchers are also injured by the machines, animals or vehicles they work with. Most injuries come from crashing machines such as tractors.

Fishing workers have some of the most dangerous jobs of all. All fishing jobs take place in a dangerous environment. Some fishing crews are at sea for months at a time. The waves can wash deckhands overboard. Many workers are also injured or killed by the heavy machines on the trawlers.

Landscaping looks like a nice job. You get to work in a garden looking after plants. But it is more dangerous than you think. In 2018, 48 landscapers died at work! The most common injury is falling. Tasks like climbing trees to trim them can be quite risky.

We might not see these workers much. But when you do, make sure you show your appreciation. All these people do dangerous jobs to make your life easier. Maybe they should receive more compensation for the scary work they do.