A lot of work is put into making clothes. You need a pattern for the clothing you will make. The pattern breaks down a whole garment into different parts. These different parts act as a template for the fabric that needs to be cut. Most places use digital patterns. A device takes in all the information from paper patterns and saves it. This makes the whole process a lot easier.

All the pieces of the pattern are on a screen. Alterations to the patterns could be made right away. You could easily change the measurements. Once you have the pattern the way you want, it is time to print it out. The pattern is printed out on a plotter. First, you layout the pattern. The patterns have to be organized so that it uses the least amount of fabric. We don't want to waste fabric.

Next, the fabric can be cut out. The fabric is cut out by hand first. And then the more detailed trims are done by the machine. If the clothing is made in bulk, the machine could cut all the pieces at once.

The pieces have to be sewn together. But first, you have to choose the thread colour. It should match the fabric. The sewing machine has to be set up for this piece of clothing. A new reel of thread with the correct colour is loaded onto the sewing machine. Now, the different pieces can be sewn together. We finally have our garment.

It may be fun to keep up with new trends and purchase new clothing. Fast fashion refers to inexpensive clothing that we can buy. They stay for a trend. And then they either don't last another season, or they are discarded for a new trend. The materials used are low cost and low quality. The clothing is also made in places where labour is cheap. The working conditions are often horrible for the workers. The factory mass produces these garments.

What is wrong with fast fashion? The fast and cheap way of making clothes causes a lot of pollution. Harmful chemicals are used when producing cotton. The process also uses a lot of energy and water. A lot of harmful gas is released into our Earth. It makes clean water dirty too. The clothing that doesn't last fills up landfills quickly. It produces so much waste.

There is a lot of slave labour in the sweatshops where the clothing is made. These people are paid little to nothing for their work. They may not have a say in whether they want to make clothes or not. These workers are not treated well. Many of these workers have gotten hurt or died making clothing.

What could we do instead? What should we pay attention to when we need to buy a new piece of clothing? You can research the company and the brand. Make sure to look into where and who is making your clothes. You can choose companies that use eco-friendly materials and clean energy. You can buy clothing that lasts longer with better materials. Your choices can make a difference.