Superlatives are very useful. Here are a few ways you can use superlatives when comparing things and describing things.
Comparing in a Group
We usually use superlatives to compare members of a group. We use a superlative when one member of a group has more (or less) than all the other members. There are three ways we can make this comparison.
First, we can use a superlative, followed by a prepositional phrase, like you learned in the last lesson.

I got the highest mark in the class.

Uta is the youngest of three children.

Ms. Gionta is the best of all the teachers.
Usually, a superlative has to have a noun after it first, and then a prepositional phrase. However, sometimes it's okay to take away the noun, like in the second and third sentences.
The prepositional phrase after the superlative tells us what the whole group is.
We can also use superlatives with a noun right after. The noun tells us what thing we are comparing.
I got the highest mark.
Uta is the youngest child.
Ms. Gionta is the best teacher.
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