It is a cold day. It is snowing. What should we wear? We need to dress in warm clothes.

We can wear sweaters. Sweaters keep us warm. They cover our bodies. They cover our arms. Sweaters are perfect for chilly days.

If you are still cold, you can wrap yourself in a blanket. Some blankets are thin. They are for warmer days. Some blankets are thick. They are for colder days. Most people sleep with a blanket at night.

If you are going outside, you need a coat. A fluffy coat will keep you warm. Make sure you zip up too.

You might want to wear a scarf. A scarf goes around your neck. It keeps the neck warm.

What about our hands and fingers? We can wear gloves. We can wear mittens.

It is not the time to wear sandals. It is too cold for them. We can wear warm boots.

We almost forgot about our ears! We need to keep them warm too. We can wear earmuffs. They go over our ears.

Now we are ready to go outside. How do you dress on a cold day?