Some dinosaurs are big. They look cool.

Some dinosaurs are huge. They look amazing.

Some dinosaurs are small. They are fun.

Some dinosaurs are tiny. They are cute.

This dinosaur is tiny. It has strong hind legs. It has small arms. It can run fast. It likes meat.

This is a small dinosaur. It is a kind of raptor. It has strong legs. Maybe it can kick hard. It has big claws. The claws can attack. It likes meat, too.

This small dinosaur has armour. Armour keeps the dinosaur safe. The armour is like bone. The armour can hurt you. The armour is strong. This dinosaur can fight.

This is a pangolin. It has big scales. The scales are like armour. The pangolin can roll into a ball. The scales keep the pangolin safe. You can see pangolins in Africa. You can see them in Asia. You can see them in India.

This small dinosaur can fly. It has feathers. It has a long tail. It looks like a bird.

This small dinosaur is the size of a cat. It has small spikes. It has a frill on its tail.

This is an amber fossil. I can see a tiny skull. Is it a dinosaur? No, it's a tiny lizard. It looks like a dinosaur.

Look at this tiny toy. It is a dinosaur toy.

This is a dinosaur pen. It can roar. It is my favourite pen. Do you have a toy dinosaur?

There are many small dinosaurs. I like them all. They look scary and cute.