1-0Objectives & Sequence
1-1Unit 1 Project
1-1Jungle Plants
1-2I Am An Orangutan
1-1All About Forests
1-2Rainforest Animals
1-3Rainforest Layers
1-4Day And Night Animals
1-5Seasons In A Forest
1-6Helping Forests
1-4Day and Night Animals
1-1Find that Noun!
1-2Name That Noun!
1-3One Fox, Five Foxes
1-4Foot or Feet?
1-5He, She, It
1-6I or Me?
1-1The Jungle Book
1-2Forest Fashion
2-0Objectives & Sequence
2-1Unit 2 Project
2-1What Happened to Pangaea?
2-2I am an Oviraptor
2-1All About Dinosaurs
2-2Huge Dinosaurs
2-3Tiny Dinosaurs
2-4Long Ago Animals
2-5At A Museum
2-6What Happened To The Dinosaurs?
2-1Ready, Set, Action!
2-2All Alone
2-3Helpful Verbs
2-4I Am Hungry
2-5What's Happening Now?
2-6What Happened Yesterday?
2-1The Land Before Time
2-2Walking on Thin Ice
2-1It's a Dinosaur!
2-2Time of the Dinosaurs
2-3I Am Not a Dinosaur
2-4End of the Dinosaurs
2-5Is That a Mammoth?
2-6I Am a Paleontologist
3-0Objectives & Sequence
3-1Unit 3 Project
3-1Take Care of Your Bike
3-2Going to School
3-1All About Transportation
3-2Land Vehicles
3-3Air Vehicles
3-4Sea Vehicles
3-5People In Transportation
3-6Cool Transportation
3-1Irregular Action Words
3-2Past to Present
3-3Is or Are?
3-4Was or Were?
3-5When did you see it?
3-6Do or Does?
3-2Thomas and Friends
3-1Getting There
3-2I Am in a Boat
3-3I Am in a Car
3-4I Am in a Plane
3-5I Am on a Bike
3-6I Am in a Submarine
4-0Objectives & Sequence
4-1Unit 4 Project
4-2Unit 1-4 Exam
4-1How Do You Make Paper?
4-2Sandwich Time
4-1Yummy Cakes
4-3Merry Music
4-4Smoothies And Snacks
4-5Toy Houses
4-6Let’s Pretend
4-1Who Has It?
4-2Describe It
4-3Tall, Taller, Tallest
4-4A Banana, An Apple
4-6Where Is the Action?
4-1How to Make a Paper Airplane
4-2How to make Lemonade
4-1Making a Cake
4-2Making a Puppet
4-3Making Music
4-4Making a Smoothie
4-5Making a House
4-6A Box of Fun
5-0Objectives & Sequence
5-1Unit 5 Project
5-1No Bath, No Toilets!
5-2I am a Blacksmith
5-1All About Castles
5-5The Phoenix
5-6Long Ago
5-1Scrambled Sense?
5-2Tell Me Something
5-3Ask Me Something
5-4Look Out!
5-5Let's Join Together
5-6Tell Me More
5-2A Day in the Life of a Page
5-1In a Castle
5-2Back to the Middle Ages
5-3I Am a Knight
5-4I Am a Viking
5-5The Legend of King Arthur
5-6Phoenix Rising
6-0Objectives & Sequence
6-1Unit 6 Project
6-1Too Much Salt!
6-2Yoga is Exercise
6-1Being Healthy
6-2My Body
6-3My Moods
6-4Exercise Time
6-5I Feel Sick
6-6I Feel Great
6-1Repetitive Nouns
6-2Name That Person!
6-3What's It Short For?
6-4Names of Places
6-5Days and Months of the Year
6-6Books, Stories, and Poems
6-1Captain Vegetable!
6-2Hip-Hop Dancers
6-1I Am Healthy
6-2Let's Exercise!
6-3Eat Your Vegetables!
6-4Eat Your Fruits!
6-5Feeling Sick
6-6Being Unhealthy
7-0Objectives & Sequence
7-1Unit 7 Project
7-1What Are Feathers For?
7-2I Am a Penguin
7-1Flying Birds
7-2Flightless Birds
7-3Baby Birds
7-4A Flying Mammal
7-6Hunter Birds
7-1Questions, Exclamations, and Possessions
7-3Where Are You From?
7-4When is Your Birthday?
7-5Hat, Cat, Bat
7-6Compound Words
7-1Happy Feet
7-2The Ugly Duckling
7-1I Am a Bird
7-2I Am an Owl
7-3I Am a Bat
7-4Living in a Nest
7-5I Am a Hummingbird
7-6Penguins, Kiwis, and Ostriches
8-0Objectives & Sequence
8-1Unit 8 Project
8-2Unit 5-8 Exam
8-1The Three Little Pigs
8-2Meet the Big Bad Wolf
8-1Story Time
8-2Witches And Wizards
8-4Tall Tales
8-5Nursery Rhymes
8-6My Story
8-1Grin and Smile
8-2In and Out
8-3Which One to Use?
8-4Hear or Here?
8-5Too Many Two's
8-6There or Their?
8-1Hansel and Gretel
8-2The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
8-1Different Kinds of Stories
8-2The Myth of Echo and Hera
8-3A Fable
8-4Walking in the Woods
8-5A Tale of Greek Gods
8-6Work Hard First, Have Fun Later!