Do you know what a knight is? Knights lived a long time ago. They kept the castle safe. They kept the king and queen safe. They kept the prince and princess safe. They kept villages safe.

Knights had to follow rules. They had to be kind.

Knights wore a special armour. There were many parts. It kept them safe.

Knights carried weapons. They used them to fight. They used them to keep people safe. Many knights had swords. They fought with other knights.

Knights carried shields. Shields kept the knights safe. The shields were not all the same. There were many colours. There were different pictures on them.

Do you want to be a knight? It was not easy to become a knight. Knights were brave. Knights had to work hard. It took a long time to become a knight.

The young knights had to learn. They had to follow other knights. They had to help other knights. They had to listen to other knights.

When they were older, they had more jobs. They had to help clean the clothes. They had to help take care of the horses. They got the horses ready with a saddle. A saddle lets the knight ride the horse.

Finally, they were real knights! The king or queen touched the knight with a sword. The knight was called Sir.