When answering Reading questions, try and use the strategies outlined in the Lesson Document the best you can.

TOEFL ITP Reading Question Strategies
- Read and become familiar with the directions before the exam.
There is no need to spend time reading the directions when you take the test because on every TOEFL test, they are the same. You should know all the directions before the day of the test. - Do not spend a long time reading the passages.
You do not have time to read each passage in depth, and it is quite possible to answer the questions correctly without reading all of the information in the passages. You only have an average of 10-12 minutes per reading based on the number of questions, so taking 5-8 minutes to read the passage is an ineffective strategy. Read the General Reading Strategies for more on this. - Do not be concerned if a topic seems unfamiliar.
Even when you have never seen the information in the passage before, if you have the skills for taking the test, you can be successful in answering the questions. Focus on test-taking strategies, not the content. - Pace yourself over all of the questions.
When there are questions you find difficult or are unsure of an answer, do not spend excessive time on that one question since there are many more that need to be answered. Guess what you think the most likely answer might be, move on, and try to come back only if you have time. - Guess if you run out of time.
There is no penalty for guessing and getting an incorrect answer. If there is very little time, NEVER leave any answers blank and guess the best you can, as quickly as you can.