Here are some additional strategies for how to approach a reading passage.

TOEFL ITP General Reading Strategies
- Skim the passage to find the main idea and the organization the passage.
It is not necessary to understand each detail provided in a passage in order to answer the question. However, understanding the main idea and the overall organization can make you more comfortable before you begin answering the questions. Skimming involves looking quickly through the text for key words and repeated ideas that can assist your general comprehension. - Preview the questions being asked.
There are around 10 questions for each passage. Looking very quickly at the question types may help before you begin. It gives you some information about the main ideas of the passage and prepares you for what to look for. - Read in more detail the parts of the passage where the answer may be.
When you believe you know where an answer should be, take more time to read that part carefully and try to focus more on details than general comprehension.