Do you like to play indoors? Do you like to play outdoors? What outdoor games do you like?

There are so many fun games to play outdoors. Have you played Hide and Seek? In Hide and Seek, one person is It. She covers her eyes and counts to 20. Everyone else hides. After counting to 20, she will try to find all the others.

Have you played Sardines? In Sardines, one person is It. Everyone else closes their eyes and counts to 20. The person who is It hides. After counting to 20, everyone must find him. When they find him, they have to hide in the same place. At the end, everyone is hiding together.

Have you had a treasure hunt? In a treasure hunt, you follow clues. Each clue tells you where the next clue is. At the end, there is a treasure.

Have you had a scavenger hunt? In a scavenger hunt, you have a list. You have to collect everything on the list. When you have everything, you win.

Have you played hopscotch? You draw a grid on the ground. You throw a stone. It must land inside a square. You have to hop to the end. You have to hop over where your stone is. It is super fun.

How about throwing a frisbee? You have to throw, and catch the frisbee. It looks easy, but it is not.

I like obstacle courses. You have to go over, under, or through the obstacles. Some obstacles are easy. Some are not.

Playing with a jump rope is also fun. You can jump rope alone. You can jump rope with many people. You can jump with one rope. You can jump with many ropes.

Do you like bowling? You can bowl outdoors, too. You can make pins from bottles. It is fun to bowl outdoors.

What outdoor games do you like to play?