Have you ever played a board game? Board games are fun to play. There are many kinds of board games.

Most board games have a board. The board is where you play the game. Some board games have dice. Some board games have cards. Some board games have moving pieces.

Monopoly is a board game. In Monopoly, you have fake money. You use your money to buy places on the board. If someone lands on your place, you collect money from them. Many players can play together. It is a fun game, but sometimes it causes fights.

Snakes and Ladders is a board game. In Snakes and Ladders, you roll dice and move. If you land on a snake, you slide down it. If you land on a ladder, you go up it. The winner is the person who gets to the last square first. Sometimes this game takes a long time to finish. Sometimes it takes a short time. It's fun if you land on a ladder to go up. It is really not fun when you land on a snake.

Chess is a board game. In chess, there are two players. You take turns moving your pieces. You have to try to capture the other player's king.

Scrabble is a board game. In Scrabble, there are many tiles with letters on them. There is also a board. You use the letter tiles to make words. Players take turns adding words to the board. Each tile has a number on it, too. When you make a word you add the numbers together. You add this number to your score. The winner is the person with the most points.

What is your favourite board game?