Some records are inspiring. They make you want to be better. Some records are interesting. They teach you something. But some records are just strange!

Most people use toothpicks to remove food from their teeth. But not Joel Strasser. He puts them in his beard. He holds the record for the most toothpicks in a beard. He found space for 3,500 toothpicks!

It's not just toothpicks that Joel puts in his beard. He holds the record for the most baubles in a beard too.

Henry Calebus holds the record for the fewest pogo stick jumps in one minute. He bounced 38 times in one minute. At first, that record doesn't sound impressive. But it is hard to bounce slowly on a pogo stick.

Shridhar Chillal holds the record for the longest fingernails on one hand. His 5 nails together were 909.6cm long. His longest nail was his thumb. It was 197.8cm. He grew them for 66 years!

In 2012, 3344 people played dominoes together. They set the record for the most number of people playing dominoes together. If you have a lot of friends, why not try to break this one!

In 1960, Joseph Kittinger skydived from over 19 miles (31 kilometres) in the air. It was the highest skydive in the world. To this day, he holds the record for the longest free-fall. He fell for 4 minutes and 36 seconds before he needed his parachute.

Most records take minutes to break. But not for Jorge Ojeda-Guzman. He spent 205 days living on a tightrope in 1993 for his record. He spent the whole time 10.6 metres above the ground.

Mazes are difficult to get out of. But imagine trying in -24 degrees Celsius. Manitoba, Canada, is home to the world's largest snow maze. Getting lost in that labyrinth would not be nice.

Some people like handshakes when meeting new people. But Deepak Sharma Bajagain really loves to give high-fives. In 2013, Deepak Sharma Bajagain gave 212 high-fives in just one minute. He holds the world record for the most high-fives in one minute.

These records might be strange. But these people set a goal and achieved it. What crazy record would you like to beat?