What is your home made of? What is your school made of? Buildings are made of many different materials! Some buildings are made of only one material. Some buildings are made of many different materials. What can we use to make buildings?

We can use bricks to make buildings. Many buildings are made of bricks. There are different kinds of bricks. Bricks can be red or brown. People have been using bricks to make buildings for thousands of years.

We can use concrete to make buildings. Many buildings are made of concrete. Concrete is strong and it lasts a long time. Steel is often used with concrete to make it even stronger. Many tall buildings are made out of concrete.

Do we have to use new materials to make buildings? No! We can always use old materials we have already. We can reuse old shipping containers to make a new building! Shipping containers are big and strong boxes. They are used to deliver goods. Many people have turned them into stores, hotels, schools, and restaurants.

Before you start on your building, you need the foundation. It connects the building to the ground. It holds the building up. A building without a foundation might sink.

If you are making a building, you need to have beams. Beams can be made out of different kinds of materials. They are used to make the building stronger. It is very important the building doesn't fall down.

What else do we need to do to make a building? We need to hire a crew. They are the people that will do all the building.

You will need a floorplan. It is a drawing of what each floor looks like in a building. It shows how space is used. A floorplan shows where all the rooms are.

You will also need tiles. Tiles are used for the floor, walls and even the roof. There are many different kinds of tiles. You can choose the one that you like.

You can use anything to make a building. It is good to reuse old things to make new buildings. What can you use to make a building?