Kids books are so much fun to read. Some books are made for beginner readers. Some books are made for advanced readers. These books usually have many pictures. They are usually colourful and bright. Do you have a favourite kids book?

My teacher loved Dr. Seuss books. She would read us a Dr. Seuss story every Friday. We knew the stories so well that we could read-along with her. They were my favourite stories when I was a kid.

Dr. Seuss is a beloved author of children's books. His books were always funny and wacky. He wrote many interesting and funny poems for his books. He also drew the pictures for his books.

His books are very popular around the world. There are Dr. Seuss books translated into over twenty languages. There are also braille versions of Dr. Seuss books. Braille is a type of writing used mainly by someone who is blind. The pages have bumps in different patterns for each letter. You feel the bumps to read. That is amazing!

Most of Dr. Seuss's books were picture books. Each page had a fun picture and a part of the story. A lot of his books have words that rhyme. A lot of his books have words that he made-up.

Do you know what a Yuzz-a-ma-Tuzz is? What about a bar-ba-loot? Have you ever met a Sneetch or felt some oobleck? These are all words made-up by Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss loved nonsense words.

Dr. Seuss books are great for learning to read. When you start to read you learn phonics. These are the sounds for each letter or group of letters. You use phonics to sound out new words. Once you know how to read the words, you practice. You practice until you can read the words without sounding out the letters.

Learning to read can be tricky for some students. If you have dyslexia you often find it difficult to read. Sometimes you mix-up the letters in a word. Sometimes you can't read the words quickly. Students with dyslexia can read, but it is more difficult for them.

Some students find it hard to concentrate when they read. They lose their place and have to read things many times. They can read, but it is more difficult for them.

Reading can be fun for some people and tricky for others. Now there are many audiobooks. These are books that you listen to. Everyone can enjoy the story, even if reading is tricky.