There are so many books in the world. There is a book for everyone. Some people like to read picture books. Some people like to read poetry books. Some people like to read chapter books. What kind of books do you like to read?

Picture books are usually short and easy to read. They often have few words in them. Sometimes they have no words at all. People like reading picture books because they are bright and simple.

Poetry books are usually full of different poems. Poems are usually shorter than other writing. Some poems rhyme, and some poems don't. Some poems tell stories. Some poems share ideas and feelings. Poetry books are fun to read because you can read many poems in one book.

Chapter books are usually longer stories. A chapter book usually does not have many pictures. In a chapter book the story is divided into different parts. Each part is called a chapter. Chapter books can be funny, sad, exciting, scary or serious. People like chapter books because they usually tell a detailed story.

Some chapter books come in a series. This means the story continues over several books. These are usually full of adventures. You often have to use your imagination when you read an adventure book.

Some chapter books tell of a hero or heroine on a special quest. The characters in the book go on an adventure. They often have to defeat the bad guys in these books. Adventure books are often in a series.

Some chapter books tell of something scary happening. When you read these books you might get goosebumps. Your skin might get bumpy like chicken skin. You read the story and it feels real.

Some chapter books tell a mystery story. The characters have to solve puzzles or clues. I like mystery stories the most. I love to try to guess the ending. Sometimes I guess correctly, and sometimes I don't.

How do you choose what book to read? I often look at the cover and read the blurb. The blurb gives you the information about the book. It tells you a little about the story. It often helps you decide if you want to read the book or not. How do you choose a book to read?

Chapter books are great for everyone. You can read them one chapter at a time. You can read them all at once. You can read about adventures, mysteries or real life. What kind of chapter books do you like?