Many people around the world go to school every day. Every school is different. Some have lots of students. Some only have a few. But for students, the path is usually the same.

You might start your education in a daycare. It is where you go as a child when your parents work. You might go to a daycare when you are a baby. You can play with other children.

After that, you might start at a preschool. You might learn to make friends. Some children start at 2.5 years old. Children stay until they are 5 years old.

Then you go to kindergarten. You spend one year here. You do lots of singing and fun activities. It is to prepare you for the next step.

In lots of countries, you start elementary school in grade 1. It is the first year of compulsory education. That means you must go.

You usually stay in elementary school until grade 7. When you finish, you will be 12 years old. In countries like Britain and Australia, it is called primary school.

After elementary school, you start secondary school. In Britain, you stay in secondary school for 5 years. You finish when you are 16.

In elementary school, you study important subjects like math and science. But in secondary school, you can study lots of different subjects. You might study languages like German or Spanish. You might study politics. You might study art.

You must take exams at the end of your time at secondary school. They are important. If you do well, you might choose to continue learning.

At school, you might be in a form. Your form is the group of students with whom you started school. Most of the time, you go through school with the same students. You might even make some good friends while you are there.

If you are lucky, your school might offer some fun extracurricular activities. That means that you can do things that are not part of your studies. Your school might have clubs for you to join. You could join a music club. You could join a book club. You could join a sports club.

Some parents do not want to send their children to a school. More and more parents are choosing to homeschool. That means you don't go to school to learn. You stay at home and study. Your parents help you by teaching you.

Whatever kind of education you do, it is important to try your best. It is important to never stop learning!