Why do you go to school? You go to school to learn. But there are lots of ways to learn.

Sometimes you learn by listening. You might listen to your teacher talking. You might listen to speeches or songs.

Sometimes you learn by reading. You might read a novel as a class. You might read a textbook.

Sometimes you learn by using your hands. You might do experiments. You might build things to learn about science. Practical work is fun, but you must follow the code of conduct. It can be dangerous if not.

Every day at school is different. You must try not to miss too many days. You must try not to be tardy. Your attendance at school is important. If you miss lessons, you miss important information. Studies show that the more days you miss, the worse you do at school.

After you have learned about a topic, you must show what you know. You might have to do an exam. An exam is to test what you can remember about the topic.

You might do an assignment. An assignment is a task from a teacher. You complete a task and give it back to your teacher. It shows what you know about a subject.

When you give the assignment or exam back to your teacher, you might be given feedback. You might be given a grade for your exam or your assignment. It shows you how well you did. If you get full marks, you did very well!

You have a lot of assignments and exams to do at school. But they do not stop at school! If you decide to continue, you might go to college or university.

A college is a small institution that offers qualifications. You might attend for 2 or 3 years after finishing school.

A university is a big institution. You can get many qualifications here. You might get a bachelor's degree. You might get a master's degree. If you love learning, you might decide to get a Ph.D.