Our actions as humans have had serious effects on the environment. We have caused lots of damage. Some people have made it their job to protect the earth. These people are environmental heroes.

Jane Goodall is a hero. She has spent most of her life learning and teaching about primates. She is considered the world's number one expert.

When Jane was young, she loved animals. She loved to visit farms. She read many books about Africa. She wanted to go visit Africa and see the wildlife for herself.

At age 23, Jane moved to Africa. This is when Jane did her most famous work. She spent 45 years studying chimpanzees in Tanzania.

She learned many things about chimpanzees. She learned that they could use tools. She learned about how they organize their families. She learned that their homes are being destroyed by humans.

Today, she spends her time travelling around the world teaching about animals. She teaches everyone about the conservation of species. Jane Goodall is a hero for the animals.

Sir David Attenborough spent his life showing people the beauty of this planet. He is a filmmaker. He started filming in 1954. Since then, he has created over 100 documentaries! He innovated the world of nature documentaries.

He shows places that have never been seen. He shows animals that have never been seen. He shows how important it is to look after our planet.

You might think that a teenager can't change the world. But you are wrong. Greta Thunberg is a teenage climate activist. She was born in Sweden in 2003. She was born with Asperger's syndrome. It is on the autism spectrum. It affects how she socialises.

Greta started learning about climate change at 8 years old. She learned that we are depleting our natural resources. She learned about the strain we are putting on the planet. She learned that climate change might be irreversible. She didn't know why we were not doing anything about it.

Greta started by going on a school strike. She decided to go on strike until her country did something about the climate crisis. The news spread. Soon, kids all over the world did the same.

In March 2019, a large school strike was organized around the world. Around 1.6 million people in 125 countries went on strike for the climate. She showed the world that kids care about the preservation of their world. This was all thanks to Greta.

Anyone can be a hero for the environment. What can you do to help?