- An abbreviation is a short way of writing a single word or a group of words.
- Begin abbreviations with a capital letter. End most abbreviations with a period.

I have piano practice on Wednesday afternoon.
I have piano practice on Wed. afternoon.

I will meet Scott at Wescott Boulevard and Coale Avenue.
I will meet Scott at Wescott Blvd. and Coale Ave.

My birthday is on November 13th.
My birthday is on Nov. 13th.
- An initial is an abbreviation of a name. The initial is the first letter of the name.
- Use capital letters and periods to write an initial.

Jamie Bob Oliver is an amazing baker.
J.B. Oliver is an amazing baker.

Babe Ruth is a baseball legend.
B. Ruth is a baseball legend.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling wrote the famous Harry Potter series.
J.K. Rowling wrote the famous HarryPotter series.