There are many different festivals all around the world. They celebrate different things. Some might be to commemorate a certain person or a specific event. These festivals have different traditions. They bring people together. Festivals allow the gathering of people to celebrate a special time.

Many festivals are celebrated annually. That means these festivals come once a year. Some have to do with nature. They might celebrate a great harvest. Some have to do with seeing family and friends. Some festivals are celebrated across different countries. And some are kept to small villages.

Fiestas were initially religious festivals. They had to do with religions. They had to do with the people's beliefs. The festival might remind us to love one another. It might remind us to be kind. It might have to do with honouring a god or gods. But times have changed, and there are non-religious fiestas too.

The Rio Carnival is the biggest carnival in the world. It started all the way back in the 1650s. There are floats. There are entertainers. There are pageants. It is a very lively celebration. There is a lot of singing and dancing. Millions of people attend this annual festival. It's a jamboree!

Have you heard of the Cheung Chau Bun Festival? It is a cultural festival. It takes place on an island called Cheung Chau in Hong Kong. The highlight is the bun-snatching activity. There are glorious 60-foot bamboo towers covered with buns. They are known as "Bun Mountains" or "Bun Towers". People would try to climb the tower and snatch the buns. Everyone tries to grab a bun near the top of the tower. That is because it is believed that the top buns would bring good luck. Some people have gotten hurt in the past. It is not safe to climb up high with many people. There are now safety rules.

Many seasonal festivals are celebrated across the world. It has to do with nature. Holi is a Hindu festival that welcomes spring. The actual date depends on the Hindu calendar. It is a day to gather with others. It is all about having fun. People would laugh and play. Holi starts at night. It lasts for a night and a day. In the morning, people will throw coloured powder at each other. You will hear drum beats as well.

There are national holidays too. Many countries have a founding day. It is the day that a nation officially became a country. It marks the anniversary of when the country became independent. People in Canada like to have a BBQ. There might be salmon, burgers, or corn. They will also watch the fireworks. Many people will wear red and white. Those are the colours of the Canadian flag. Some people will paint the flag on their faces too! It is a fun day.

Can you think of any other festivals?