We can use the word 'will' when we are talking about the future, in a very similar way to how we use 'be going to.' Sentences using 'will' to talk about the future are formed using:
subject + 'will' + verb
Subject | 'will' | Verb | |
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They | will | sing | in the school play next month. |
Remember that we can also use contractions for 'will', like 'you'll' or 'I'll.'
We can also use 'will' to make negative sentences. These are made by using:
subject + 'will' + not + verb
Subject | 'will' | not | Verb | |
I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They | will | not | watch | the school play next month. |
Remember that we can also use 'won't' instead of 'will not.'
Here are some examples of sentences that use the phrase 'will' to talk about the future.

We will go shopping at the mall.

He will jump onto that ramp!

She will make a big splash.

He won't fall if he uses ropes.

She will text me a picture of her new puppy!

Mom won't be happy about the broken vase!