Future Continuous
The Future Continuous tense describes an activity that will happen before and after a time in the future.
We use it to say that something will be in progress (going on) at a particular moment in the future.
It is most commonly used used with "will" but is also possible with "be going to."
It is formed with will + be + verb-ing or be going to + be + verb-ing.
- When you get home tonight, I'm going to be cooking dinner.
- When class finishes, it will still be raining.
- You should not phone between 6pm and 7pm. We will be having dinner during that time.
- This time next year, I'll be studying in university.
The Future Continuous doesn't require consideration about plans, intentions, etc.
- My plan: At 8pm, I'll be sitting in a movie theatre. or I'm going to be sitting in a movie theatre.
- Prediction based on opinion: It'll be raining when you get here in November. or It's going to be raining when you get here in November.
- Prediction based on evidence: They'll be celebrating tonight if this continues. or They're going to be celebrating tonight if this continues.

Review - The Future Continuous

Review - The Future Continuous
Future Perfect
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