Word | Part Of Speech | Example |
A good / great deal of | Quantifier | There is a great deal of work left to be done. |
Accurate | Adjective | That clock is not very accurate. You shouldn’t trust it. |
Agenda | Noun | I need to check my agenda before I accept the invitation. |
Alert | Noun | I have set up my computer to send me an alert when I receive a new email. |
Allot | Verb | In my budget, I have allotted two hundred dollars a week for food and entertainment. |
Ambition | Noun | She doesn’t seem to have many ambitions. Actually, she is quite boring. |
Aspire | Verb | The student beside me aspires to be a teacher one day. |
Blue-collar | Adjective | Blue-collar workers generally make less money than white-collar ones. |
Branch | Noun | This is not the main office of the company. It’s just the regional branch. |
Bust | Verb | My wife busted me when she caught me eating ice cream before dinner. |
Commute | Noun, Verb | Even though this road is empty right now, it is full Monday to Friday during the morning and evening commutes. |
Compensation | Noun | The employee met with her boss to discuss an increase in compensation. |
Corporate | Adjective | This region of the city contains mostly corporate offices. |
Credible | Adjective | Although he has a degree, it is not from a very credible school. |
Dedicated | Adjective | The dedicated activity coordinator is always looking for interesting things to do with the students. |
Diaper | Noun | Diapers are one really expensive aspect of having children. |
Dignity | Noun | I was surprised by the lack of wheelchair-friendly sidewalks in that city. Handicapped people are not treated with dignity there. |
Distraction | Noun | The noise of the construction workers is such a distraction. |
Downsize | Verb | Due to the recent economic problems, the company was forced to downsize. |
Earn a living | Phrase | It is difficult to earn a living making only $8 an hour. |
Employee | Noun | Most employees of Google live in USA. |
Employer | Noun | Aramco is the largest employer in Saudi Arabia. |
Entrepreneur | Noun | My sister is a real entrepreneur. She has never had an employer and has always worked for herself. |
Executive | Noun, Adjective | I am tired of being told what to do in this company. I want to become an executive. |
Extensive | Adjective | I have an extensive history of injuries. |
Extreme | Adjective | That new sports car can travel at extreme speeds. |
Feat | Noun | Climbing Mt. Everest is a feat I would like to accomplish one day. |
Firm | Noun | My brother works for a small accounting firm. |
Gap | Noun | My apartment is very noisy as there is a large gap between the door and the floor. I can hear everything in the hallway. |
Insist | Verb | Even though it looked fake, she insisted that her bag was really a Louis Vuitton. |
Interfere | Verb | I think the walls are interfering with the wireless Internet signal. |
Interrupt | Verb | Please turn off your cell phones. I do not want anything to interrupt our class today. |
Invest | Verb | The entrepreneur is looking for people to invest in her company. |
Labourer (US – Laborer) | Noun | The carpenter employs three labourers in his company. |
Lack | Verb | That city really lacks character. It seemed really boring to me. |
Lift | Verb | Could you help me lift this table? |
Minority group | Noun | Politicians need to get votes from minority groups if they want to win elections. |
Needle | Noun | Some people are really afraid of needles. |
Noteworthy | Adjective | England is famous for producing several noteworthy musicians. |
Personnel | Noun | The security personnel all wear jackets with yellow lettering. |
Proposal | Noun | I presented my company’s proposal to the CEO. |
Raise (Salary) | Noun | I asked my employer for a raise, but she refused. |
Reasonable | Adjective | You will find the prices at that restaurant quite reasonable. That’s why I always go there. |
Receptionist | Noun | Could you make an appointment to meet with my receptionist? |
Regional | Adjective | The regional manager of the bank is on holiday for two weeks. |
Relevant | Adjective | I didn’t find what she had to say very relevant to the subject of the meeting. |
Rewarding | Adjective | Doctors must find their jobs extremely rewarding as they are always helping people. |
Scholarship | Noun | Students who do well in their studies are able to receive scholarships. |
Stereotype | Noun, Verb | It is best not to accept stereotypes and find out the truth for yourself. |
Submit | Verb | I submitted an application to work at that coffee shop yesterday. |
Temp | Noun | Everyone except John has worked in this company for several years. John has only been here for a few days. He’s a temp. |
Threaten | Verb | The taxi driver threatened to kick me out of the car if I didn’t stop eating my lunch. |
To Crunch Numbers | Phrase | Accountants are good at crunching numbers. |
To Run Errands | Phrase | I usually run errands on Saturdays. You can always find me doing my laundry and shopping for groceries. |
Workaholic | Noun | As I am a workaholic, you can usually find me in front of the computer all day and evening. |
Workforce | Noun | In Korea, men must spend two years in the military before they join the workforce. |
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