Can you run fast? Can you win a race?

Are you strong? Can you throw things?

Can you jump? Can you jump high?

Track and field sports are fun. They are for runners. They are for throwers. They are for jumpers.

The track is red. It is on the outside.

The field is green. It is on the inside.

People race on the track. They run around it.

Some races are short. Some races are long.

Some people race alone. Some people race with a team.

On the field, people jump. They try to jump high. They try to jump far.

On the field, people throw. You can throw a ball. You can throw a pole. You can throw a disc.

If you do well, you get a medal. Did you come third? Well done. You get a bronze medal.

Did you come second? Well done. You get a silver medal.

Did you come first? Well done. You get a gold medal!

Do you have any medals at home?

Medals are great. But sport is not just about medals. It is about having fun.