Some people don't like the cold. They want it to be warm. But some cold sports are fun. What can we do when it is cold?

We can skate when it is cold. We skate on ice.

We wear special shoes to skate. We can skate inside. We can skate outside.

It is hard to skate at first. But you can learn fast.

We can ski when it is cold. We can ski on mountains. We can ski on land. Some people are fast skiers!

We can snowboard when it is cold. It is like skiing. But you have one board.

You fall down lots! But it is fun.

We can play hockey when it is cold. We play hockey on a rink. It is a big, cold room.

Hockey is a team sport. You use a stick to hit a puck.

If these aren't for you, there are lots of fun things to do. You can throw snowballs. Snowballs are balls of snow.

You can play with lots of people. It is a fun battle!

You can make snow angels. It is a pretty design. Don't forget your coat!

Some people don't like cold days. But I think they are very fun. Do you like cold days?