Sometimes, you need clothes for sport. Some sports need a lot. Some sports don't.

What do you wear on your feet for sport? You can't wear nice shoes. You can't wear no shoes.

You wear sneakers. Sneakers are made for sport. They are good to run in. They are good to jump in. They are good to throw in.

When you do sport, you get hot. You wear a t-shirt. You wear shorts. They keep you cool.

Some sports are in water. You can't wear clothes in water.

For water sports, we wear swimwear. It can get wet. It dries fast.

What if you want to see underwater? If you want to see, you wear goggles.

Goggles go on your eyes. You can see underwater.

You can see fish in the sea. You can see how big the pool is.

In some sports you can get hurt. You need to be safe.

To be safe, you wear a helmet. A helmet goes on your head. It stops you from hurting your head.

You wear a helmet for hockey. You wear a helmet for skiing. You wear a helmet for football.

In some sports, you need even more. For tennis, you need a racquet. For baseball, you need a bat. You hit the ball with them.

What do you need for your sport?