1-0Objectives & Sequence
1-1Unit 1 Project
1-1Jungle Plants
1-2I Am An Orangutan
1-1All About Forests
1-2Rainforest Animals
1-3Rainforest Layers
1-4Day And Night Animals
1-5Seasons In A Forest
1-6Helping Forests
1-4Day and Night Animals
1-1Find that Noun!
1-2Name That Noun!
1-3One Fox, Five Foxes
1-4Foot or Feet?
1-5He, She, It
1-6I or Me?
1-1The Jungle Book
1-2Forest Fashion
A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.
The words a, an, and the are clues that show a noun is near.
The girl eats an apple.
The birds are flying over a tree.
The family is sitting on a bench.