1-0Objectives & Sequence
1-1Unit 1 Project
1-1Jungle Plants
1-2I Am An Orangutan
1-1All About Forests
1-2Rainforest Animals
1-3Rainforest Layers
1-4Day And Night Animals
1-5Seasons In A Forest
1-6Helping Forests
1-4Day and Night Animals
1-1Find that Noun!
1-2Name That Noun!
1-3One Fox, Five Foxes
1-4Foot or Feet?
1-5He, She, It
1-6I or Me?
1-1The Jungle Book
1-2Forest Fashion
Some nouns change spelling to name more than one.
The men are playing the guitar.
The women are boxing.
The children are playing together.
Look at my feet!
I'm missing my two front teeth!
The geese are swimming in the lake.